At Ames Christian School each child receives Personalized Christian Education. Our gifted, mentoring teachers strive to meet the needs of EVERY student to help them grow and mature. The teachers partner with parents to build a strong foundation on Christian truth and character.
When the whole student is educated – their body, mind, and soul growing academically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually – we prepare students to live Christ-centered lives to the FULLEST of their abilities. We strive to equip students to think, learn, discern and act according to Biblical principles in order to love God, lead others, and achieve their purpose in life through Christ.
Ames Christian School (ACS) is an accredited member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).
Ames Christian School Board is made op parents who have a desire to lead ACS forward for the benefit of all students in the school.
Vice President
Faculty and Staff
The elementary school offers an academic program including Art, Music, Technology Instruction, Spanish, and Physical Education for grades K-6.
The Early Childhood Program offers half day preschool for three and four year-olds. Early Kindergarten is offered five afternoons a week for young five year olds.
All ACS teachers are certified by the State of Iowa or ACSI.
The facility is complete with a library, lunchroom, diverse classrooms, art/music room, and administrative offices We continue to grow each year in our understanding of the integration of faith and learning. Our desire is for our students to grow in faith and knowledge through a wide variety of learning experiences.
Ames Christian School (ACS) is a non-denominational Christian school ministering to children and their families in the Ames area in central Iowa. The school is an incorporation of the Ames Christian School Association (ACSA), a group of Christian parents, grandparents and friends, with representation from several Ames area churches on the ACS Board. ACS was started in 1992 and currently Preschool-4th grade classes meet in our facility at 925 South 16th Street in Ames, Iowa. The Middle School 5th-7th meet at Trinity Christian Reformed Church.
OUR MISSION: Ames Christian School provides a personalized Christ-centered education, developing students spiritually and academically, to impact the world through Christ.
OUR VISION: Preparing students for lifelong Christian service by thinking critically, discerning spiritually, and acting Biblically in order to expand Christ’s presence in the community.
We believe in the authority and reliability of the Bible as the only inspired and infallible Word of God. The Bible is the complete and final revelation of God concerning all matters of faith and truth and practice. All truth is God's truth.
We believe in the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God who is sovereign over all. His sovereignty is seen in acts of creation and salvation and continual care.
We believe in the trinity of the one true God, the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, atonement for our sins by His blood sacrifice, His bodily resurrection, ascension, and His personal return in power and glory.
We believe in the Holy Spirit as teacher of God's Truth, as giver of new life in Christ, and as the one who unites all believers in Christ.
We believe that man is the crown of God's creation. God created man in His image and gave him the responsibility to rule the earth.
We believe that sin has broken the relationship between God and man, man and himself, fellow man and our creation.
We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, came to earth to offer cleansing for man's sin, and to heal these broken relationships through His cross.
We believe that man, saved through Christ, must seek to live out his life in total commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord of his/her life.
We believe in a need for clearly defined goals and objectives centered in the Word of God for the development and growth of the whole person (spiritual, mental, emotional, social and physical) and for the establishing of proper priority in an individuals' life.
We believe that God established the family as the basic unit of society. Parents are ultimately responsible for the instruction and discipline of their children. The Christian School is simply an extension of the family and the church, providing a supportive basis of encouragement to the family and the church.
We believe that a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and God's Word is necessary for those who are involved in the educational process (faculty, staff, administration and board).
We believe a true Christian is one who has received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by faith. We believe good works to be the inevitable result of true faith.